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Question #1103061923Tuesday, 14-Dec-2004
Category: INFp
What's the most narcissistic type? INFp? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 18+ 33+ 42+
A1 Self-preoccupation and unconscious deficit in self-esteem are not necessarily connected with any particular type. However, the extraverts in general have more potential for narcissism than the introverts. People are the objects and the ideas they discuss are the subjects. The extraverted standpoint is the one that sets the object above the subject, hence for the extravert it's all "Me, Me, Me". The introverted standpoint is the one that sets the subject above the object, so for the introvert an idea gets priority. This is more or less how Jung tried to explain E/I difference in his "Psychological Types". The most obvious form of narcissism is probably preoccupation with own appearance. In this case the Extravert-Sensing type (ESXx) could be the one called "the most narcissistic type" with ESFp and ESTp at the top of the list. -- Admin
A2 I have been dating an ESTP for 7 years. I am an INFJ. I see in him the outward confidence I seem to lack. Problems in the relationship early this year had me seeking out therapy. The diagnosis-HE most surely suffers from narcissistic personality disorder-which was really doing a number on me. Not even my strong intuitive powers could see through the false self he presented before me. When I read descriptions of ESTP now, I often feel as though I'm reading about narcissism... -- Anonymous
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A3 INFJ + ESTP = bad news. when you read your ESTP mate, you see a "false self." although ESTPs love games and new identities and stories, they are not being false but rather playing their games. if this really bothers you, i suggest a new relationship. and i might add that INTXs rival ESXPs in their levels of narcissism. -- jared
A4 John M. Oldham's book New Personality Self-Portrait will tell you that the self confident personality would be the one to end up with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. (That would more than likely be the ESTP). The INFP has more of a dramatic style which can lead to a histrionic personality disorder. -- aj
A5 The is not just one kind of narcissism, hence, you will kind correlations with different types: "classic narcissism" will most likely be observed in ESTP GONE WRONG (i.e. not all ESTP are narcissists), whereas you will find "cerebral narcissism" (aka hypervigilant or compensatory narcissism) in ENTPs (again, those who have gone wrong). According to some, ENFP can also develop the same version as ENTPs (, and others claim ENFPs are more likely to be linked with Paranoid Personality Disorder (, But paranoid behaviour can also mean vigilant style gone bad. It should be noted that narcissist traits can be a component of many personality or mood disorders. Typically, people whether psychologically healthy or not, will exhibit traits of several kinds of personality disorders simultaneously to some extent, see -- pm (ENFP)
A6 ESTP is the most narcissistic type. -- Anonymous
A7 To answer this question, one must define narcissism. . .if you're looking for someone who only considers their own point of view, then it's really ANY personality type, because everyone has problems seeing other people's perspectives. You can all trash the ESTp (with added confidence because he/she is probably not ever going to come here), but I have a hard time imagining one personality type that *doesn't* have the capacity to be completely self-absorbed. The question, therefore, is quite useless, seeing as how even if one were to find a "most narcissistic personality type", it would only justify not giving any credit to that personality type's view which would further increase one's own narcissism. -- Treat everyone with respect!
A8 my ESTp roommate is VERY narcissistic. any interaction with the guy inevitably will be filled with lies and/or exaggerations that somehow get worse the longer you stay around him. just adding more fuel to the ESTp flame :/ -- mooveefone
A9 i'm one of the ESTP and i agree: i'm narcissistic, but ... there is a hint: we accept even our bad traits... i must say i get amused with my wick point (not all of them). Anyway, i think every one should look better inside and analyze his/her self .... -- godzilla
A10 I had a manager who was an ESFj and she was (and undoubtedly still is) in love with herself. She is also a bundle of insecurities and endlessly micromanages whoever is unlucky enough to be her subordinate because after all everything has to be done EXACTLY HER WAY. Her boss at the time is an ESTp - a screamer, also in love with herself but the narcissism award would probably have to go to the ESFj. -- econdude
A11 A10: Exactly what field were you working in? Are you male or female? Were you an expert in your field? How many other bosses/supervisors have you had problems with? We are all narcisistic to a certain extent or we would not be here. On a scale of one to ten how narcissistic are you? -- Anonymous
A12 A Narcissist is someone who loves themselves. They are obsessed by themselves. Certain types are more prone to this than others. VS the personality disorder where any type can have this problem. It is based on the environmental factors from a persons childhood and genetics and nothing to do with type at all. -- Anonymous
A13 A11: I am male (econDUDE). I was in a banking position (lots of regulations and rules). Quite frankly, I've been fired four times and have had numerous problems with various supervisors over the years. I guess that is because I'm narcissistic to some extent, but I'm working on letting my ego fade like a mist to a new summer's day, unlike 95% of the population that isn't even aware of their egos. People who treat me well receive no arguments or bad behavior, so the people who do mistreat me need to adjust their behavior - but how do you make someone do that, or even get them to hear it? You can't. -- econdude
A14 I completely agree with A7 & A12. May be it is better to ask which type is the most selfish or the most egotistical? -- Anonymous
A15 Dear econdude Wow. I'm so impressed with your honesty. That takes real guts. In life there needs to be give and take. Life is a lot easier if you can put yourself into other peoples shoes. You need to show empathy something narcists have a problem with. Before re-acting to being mis-treated you have to breath in and breath out, step back and determine the circumstances as to why they are mistreating you. Everybody when they get stressed out can lash out even the mildest of types. Often they don't even realise they have done this. Once you re-act to being mis-treated in a negative way you start a cycle that becomes very difficult to stop. Both sides believe that the other side started it and re-act accordingly. Cognitive behaviour therapy has helped me to be able to recognise that in any situation there are many valid different points of view - A real eye opener. Myers-Briggs has helped me understand how other people think and what I can do to get along with others. You cannot change how others behave you can only change yourself - how you behave and how you think - A11 -- Anonymous
A16 A15 - this is way off the topic and outside the realm of socionics, but I can tell you that cognitive behavioral therapy is a bunch of crap. It ignores the unconscious, and worse, denies it. If you don't find a way to bargain with your unconscious it will find a way to manifest itself without your consent. At least in my opinion. -- econdude
A17 I just recently discovered a name for how I've been all these years, “cerebral narcissist”. But first let me start by saying, virtually all the books on the subject suggest steering clear of the narcissist. I think that’s probably good advice. And by the way, “self love” is an extremely simplistic description of the reality of the narcissist. In my family years I always made sure things went my way, not overtly, but in a covert manipulative kind of way. I used words like love and empathy but used them from the perspective of what I believed those words meant. Did I ever actually experience those feelings .. maybe not, but I think, at least at times in my life I made people, including myself, believe that I did. Ultimately I learned that these are some of the traits of a narcissist. In my younger years I remember people exclaiming, when I was nervous about meeting new people, “just be 'yourself'.” My response would be silence, but internally I'd be asking the question, “who is this person that people refer to as, ‘yourself’?”. I had no idea, and still don't. people like me, a cerebral narcissist, invent a 'self' and then go with that. Supposedly this lack of knowledge of ‘self’ comes about as a result of some kind of childhood trauma - who knows? - I don’t. But imagine a self being invented that is complete in every respect - impossible. The narcissist is always asking questions like, “what is normal?”, “what is expected?”, then invents a way of being that makes the best possible match for the situation. One other point: The term, “Out of sight, out of mind”, was more than likely coined by a narcissist. But if you reject a narcissist, keep in mind the fact that the narcissist will work like hell to regain your confidence, but know that the narcissist will be simply using the words that he believes will bring you back into the fold. In reality, the narcissist isn’t so interested in bringing you back into his life, rather he’s taking care of himself by addressing the fact that he was rejected. So, in answer to A2’s question: If you think that maybe your potential ‘partner for life’ is a narcissist, read up on the subject. There are very informative books out there, books that I’m just now starting to read by Sam Vaknin, Susan Forward, Nina Brown, Alexander Lowen, Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, and George K. Simon, to name a few. P.S. I’m an INTJ (or at least I was when I took the test many years ago). -- Anonymous
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