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Type distribution statistics (Dec 1999 - 29 Aug 2001)

Data type: keywords returned from various search engines

Period covered: Dec 1999 - 29 Aug 2001

Data source: log.keys2.html processed on 29 Aug 2001

Population covered:

1. People who have access to the Internet
2. People who are interested in Socionics
3. People who can speak English

Keywords taken into consideration: entp, isfp, esfj....etc, which have been used alone or as a first word of the search string

Total related enquiries: 11812

Results as follow:

Distribution by "Type"

Type Enquiries Percentage Graph
ENTp 711 6.02% ||||||||||||
ISFp 586 4.96% ||||||||||
ESFj 488 4.13% ||||||||
INTj 1060 8.97% ||||||||||||||||||
ENFj 672 5.69% |||||||||||
ISTj 841 7.12% ||||||||||||||
ESTp 340 2.88% ||||||
INFp 1630 13.80% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ESFp 384 3.25% |||||||
INTp 1010 8.55% |||||||||||||||||
ENTj 626 5.30% |||||||||||
ISFj 593 5.02% ||||||||||
ESTj 447 3.78% |||||||
INFj 1432 12.12% ||||||||||||||||||||||||
ENFp 747 6.32% |||||||||||||
ISTp 245 2.07% ||||

Most and least common types

  Most common Least common
1. INFp ISTp
2. INFj ESTp
3. INTj ESFp

Distribution by "Individual Preference"

Preference Enquiries Percentage Graph
E 4415 37.38% ||||||||||||||||||
I 7397 62.62% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S 3924 33.22% ||||||||||||||||
N 7888 66.78% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T 5280 44.70% ||||||||||||||||||||||
F 6532 55.30% ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
j 6159 52.14% ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
p 5653 47.86% |||||||||||||||||||||||

Most and least common individual preferences

Most common Least common
I, N, F and j E, S, T and p

Important note about this result: Looking at the sum of individual preferences in the table just above, it appears that the most common type is INFj and that the least common is ESTp. However, it's been already established in the Distribution by "Type" results that it is actually INFp which is most common, and ISTp is the least common type. This little example shows that trying to identify the whole type by identifying the individual preferences does not in any way mean that you would find the whole type. Every psychometric tool working on individual preferences principle will have poor reliability because of this fact.

Distribution by "Club"

Club Enquiries Percentage Graph
NT 3407 28.84% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ST 1873 15.86% ||||||||||||||||
NF 4481 37.94% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SF 2051 17.36% |||||||||||||||||

Distribution by "Quadrable"

Quadrable Enquiries Percentage Graph
Alpha 2845 24.08% ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Beta 3483 29.49% |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gamma 2613 22.12% ||||||||||||||||||||||
Delta 2871 24.31% ||||||||||||||||||||||||

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